Monday, June 13, 2016

Little Miss Red and Her BROOD of 6!

Well, "we" did it. Little Miss Red and I are a team. You might say I tricked her into motherhood once again after the loss of her one little chick, because she has now adopted the six new chicks from Mary's Feed Store. I placed one under her wings the first night - which we named "Hero" for numerous reasons. Kept the other five nestled under a heat lamp and feather duster in the house. All went well in the coop, and the next night, five other chicks were gently placed under her once again. The next morning, she wakes up to SIX and probably says, "Oh! My! Well! Ok!"  And then she just gets on with life - not unlike Dory in finding Nemo - lol!  She's now clucking at the babies as though she laid AND hatched them -  showing them how to dig and peck and dust and all that other chicken stuff.  Oh to have that wonderful accepting attitude :)  BUT I am very glad our brains are considerably larger.

1 comment:

  1. Ok Barb. Here is the base for your first children's book!
